Great White North Volunteer


Are you interested in being a part of one of Canada’s largest triathlons? There’s no better way than volunteering, we need wetsuit strippers, aid station workers, parking attendants, transition area attendants, kayakers, lifeguards and if you’re a warm body we will find somewhere you can help out!! Be a part of your community and sign up today! If there is a job you want to do let us know and we’ll make it work, also if you are a team we will not split you up.

Here are some benefits of being a GWN Volunteer:

  • Exclusive GWN Volunteer Shirt
  • Refreshments
  • Volunteer Dinner
  • Meeting new people and being part of a team
  • Satisfaction of contributing to a legacy event in our city

Sign up is easy:

  • Fill out the form below
  • Choose the time you are available
  • Choose the area you wish to volunteer for
  • You can volunteer for more than one area
  • Contact me directly for more questions