Results & Photos
Online registration closes midnight Friday. Race morning late registration open until 7:30am.
Race Details
Whether you’re a recreational rider or racer, the Chinook Classic offers an amazing cycling experience. Three distances take you through the historic rolling foothills of Cowboy Country featuring the Sheep River Provincial Park.

What You’re Gettin’
- Cycling jersey – you’ve earned it (new design coming this year!)
- Chip timing – she’s official
- On-course chow – aid stations to keep the tank full
- Supported route – no ones getting’ lost
- Full mechanical support – but come prepared for anything
- Post-ride food – grub
- Beer Garden – first cold brew is on the house
Three distances offer you 60km (Buckaroo), 110km (Wrangler) or 150km (Bronco) of cycling bliss! If you’re up for a real challenge, try the Bronco which includes the “Road To Nepal”.
We’re offering a category for the young guns and those who prefer a perpetual tail-wind. Youth aged 14+ enjoy a special $65 entry fee. If you are riding an e-bike, your timing results will be showcased in a special category.
Enjoy our virtual category with all the great SWAG wherever, whenever from June 1 – July 31, 2023..
Can’t make it to the event on race day? No problem!
You can still be part of the fun and get all of the great stuff with the Virtual Event. Complete your choice of distance wherever you want, and with the freedom of your own schedule. Enjoy official race SWAG, finisher certificate and an online results board. If you have a GPS tracking device or software (i.e. Garmin, FitBit, Apple Watch, smartphone, etc.), simply record your virtual event and save it. Uploading your results is very simple and directions after the ride.
Our new host venue is the Millarville Race Track located 35 minutes SW of Calgary in Cowboy Country.
Sunday, June 22, 2025
- Millarville Race Track opens at 6:30am.
- Parking on your right when you drive into the facility
- Race package pickup will be near the grandstands
- Arrive at least one hour before your start time to pick up your race package, timing chip and commemorative jersey
Start Times
- Bronco (150km) start 8:00am
- Other distances start 9:00am
Cut Off Time
- The course closes at 2:30pm. If you want to finish on your own later than that, you can send us your finish time.
New for 2024!
Well, we’ve eased up the 60km & 110km courses by reducing more than 1,000′ of climbing. Don’t worry, the 150km Bronco course is as tough as ever!
Here’s how it goes. The Buckaroo (60km) and Wrangler (110km) riders turn west on 549, turn south on HW22 and then west at Turner Valley to access the Sheep River 546 HW. The full Bronco (150km) starts an hour earlier and heads east on 549 takin’ on the Road to Nepal (112 Street) before returning to join the herd at about 40km (Aid Station 1).
Follow Your Flags!
Y’all start and finish at the Millarville Race Track. Follow your flags through the course. We don’t wanna lose you out on the back forty.
Interactive Map Links
Buckaroo Fondo 60km VIDEO or INTERACTIVE MAP
When travelling through Turner Valley Turn at the lights and follow HW 546. Obey traffic controls as the road is open to local traffic.
Online registration closes midnight Friday. Race morning late registration open until 7:30am.
Chinook Gran Fondo History
The Chinook Classic route includes the famous “Cowboy Trail“ (HW 22). This artery cuts through ranch country and marks the junction of prairie, foothills and the Rocky Mountains.
For kicks we include another stretch of highway known as the “Road to Nepal“. This 10km portion begins at our host venue Granary Road (bottom of “Spec Hill“) then continues south to Highway 549 and to the Sheep River Provincial Park.
Through the day, if you start to tucker, just look west; the view has helped the tough get goin’ for generations.
By the way, these roads were riddin’ by some of the best in the 2013 Tour of Alberta. Here’s Tour de France and eventual stage winner Cadel Evans at the intersection of 773 and 549 (in the drops & big chain ring).
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