34km Time Trial Race Details
Everything you need to know about this race is found on this page. The other pages in this menu reference our Gran Fondo event.
Chinook Classic ITT Race Tech Guide 2019

Here’s the Deal…
Date: Saturday, June 15, 2019
Start: West shoulder on Spruce Meadows Downs Way just south of 226 Ave SW, Calgary (5km from our parking lot at Granary Road)
Finish: Granary Road Farmer’s Market
Elevation Gain: 554m / 1817 ft
License Check & Number Pick Up: 7:00am – 8:30am at Granary Road Market located here.
Start time: 8:30 am for first rider
Price: Only $40 Register here.
What You’re Gettin’
- Plenty of climbing – but half the route is downhill
- Chip timing – she’s official
- Professional flagmen – you’re on a tear
- Big ol’ finisher’s medal – but stay humble
- Full mechanical support – travel light
- Secure bike parking – hate dem bike rustlers
- Post-ride food sponsored by Granary Road & their 18 eateries – hot grub
- Beer Garden – bring a few bucks for a cold brew and share it with 500 Fondo riders & triathletes at the same finish line!
You can bring the the whole family out to enjoy the Granary Road active learning park while you’re out suffrin’ .
A few rules….
- No team or unauthorized following vehicles in Time Trial.
- Do not cross the finish line, in either direction, more than once at the end of the race.
- Please respect law enforcement and locals. Do not antagonize.
- This event will be run according to ABA/CC/UCI regulations. Riders are responsible for knowing and understanding the rules. They are available online.
- The ABA complies with and fully supports the UCI antidoping regulations, the clauses of the World Antidoping Code and its international Standards to which the UCI antidoping regulations refer and to the antidoping regulations of other competent bodies as per the
regulations of the UCI. - All ABA regulations can be found here: http://www.albertabicycle.ab.ca/regulations
- Unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated, including but not limited to public urination, littering, use of profane language and verbal abuse of officials or community members.
- Bicycles, clothing, and equipment will be checked for conformity to the UCI Regulations in all categories. This check will be performed at the start line approximately 10 minutes prior to each rider’s start.
One number, middle of lower back.