Chinook Triathlon / Duathlon / AquaBike Race Details

SATURDAY, JUNE 14, 2025 at Camp Chestermere

2023 Results

Proudly Supporting…

This year’s charity is Camp Chestermere who offers a variety of kids camps through the year on the southeast shores of Lake Chestermere.  They are our host venue so please contribute to this worthwhile cause when you register.  We’re matching donations up to $50.


Bring us a non-perishable food item for the Chestermere Food Bank and you’ll be entered in our draw for a Garmin!


Race Package Pickup – Friday
4:00pm – 6:00pm Camp Chestermere (1041 E Lakeview Rd, Chestermere)
Swim practice open
5:30pm optional race Q & A
Saturday RACE DAY
At Camp Chestermere (race location) for out of town athletes before 7:00am.
Your full race Schedule of Events can be found here.

Chinook Classic Triathlon Registration

Register and receive your limited edition “Where Pain Meets Paradise” top.  T-shirts for Olympic/Duathlon, Cycling Jersey for Half Distance (Long Course) athletes.

New design for 2024!

What You Get

  • Commemorative jersey (Long Course)
  • Official finisher’s tech t-shirt (other distances)
  • Optional finisher medal
  • Chip-timed event with web results
  • Pre-race and post-race meals
  • Complimentary beer at the finish
  • Professionally run race
  • Bragging rights!

Before you register save big with our Platinum Racing Season’s Pass

Race Options

Race in person or learn more about our Virtual race here.

Triathlon / Duathlon / AquaBike Race Details

Transition Zone opens at 6:30am.
Half Distance / AquaBike Long Course 7:30am start.
Duathlon Start 8:00am start
Olympic Triathlon / AquaBike Standard 8:00am start

If you have additional race-related questions about this event after reviewing the race details and updates below, please contact us.


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We offer a single transition zone that opens at 6:30am.  Parking is next to our finish line and you can simply drop your bike off on race morning!  Leave enough time to pick up your timing chip when you arrive.

Aid Stations

F2C Nutrition supports each of our athletes through the Platinum Racing series.  Prepare for your big day by training with our official on-course nutrition.  Order yours at a discount today

Five aid stations are available on the course and will include the following:
  • Water
  • F2C Glyco-Durance
  • Red Bull
  • Coke
  • Gels
  • Cookies, Candy, Pretzels
  • Washrooms
  • First Aid
  • Cheering fans!


Half Iron Triathlon and AquaBike (Long Course) Swim Start: 7:30am (Half Iron Teams included)

• Warm up stops 10 minutes before race start – get your face wet, it’s an easier start this way.

• Wear the Swim Cap provided.

• We will have a mass start on the beach.

• You have 1hr 10min to complete your swim. If you’re having difficulty finishing we’ll canoe up next to you and ask you if you’re doing OK and if you think you can finish. Our goal is to give everyone the opportunity. If it’s obvious that you won’t make the time cut-off when starting the second lap,  we will have to disqualify you from the event (so get in some pool laps before race day)
• The swim will be once clockwise loop of 1,900m around the buoys clockwise. Exit at the beach, cross our timing sensor and run on the grass to the transition zone west entrance.

Olympic and AquaBike (1.5k Swim) Start: 8:00am (Teams included)

• Warm up stops 10 minutes before race start – get your face wet, it’s an easier start this way.

• Wear the Swim Cap provided.

• We will have a mass start on the beach.

• You have one hour to complete your swim. If you’re having difficulty finishing we’ll canoe up next to you and ask you if you’re doing OK and if you think you can finish. Our goal is to give everyone the opportunity. If it’s obvious that you won’t make the time cut-off when starting the second lap,  we will have to disqualify you from the event (so get in some pool laps before race day)
• The swim will be once clockwise loop of 1,500m around the buoys clockwise. Exit at the beach, cross our timing sensor and run on the grass to the transition zone west entrance.


DUATHON RUN #1  (5km)

Duathlon Start: 8:00am beside bike transition zone.
• The race start coincides with the Olympic distance triathlon start.
• Runners run on roads surrounding Camp Chestermere and then north on East Chestermere Drive to turn point before returning on the same route.

DUATHLON RUN #1 follows the Loop The Lake course. Click here for interactive map



BIKE COURSE interactive route map click here.

Start/Finish: Camp Chestermere
Aid Stations:  At 17km, 39km (Olympic) and 57km for Long Course on your second lap.  Will include sport-top water bottles, energy drink bottles, gels, first aid and porta-potties too!  Volunteers will be wearing masks and gloves with bottles on top of their palms to avoid contact.

NOTE – HWY 797 from HWY #1 to Langdon is a “NO PASSING ZONE”.

• Helmet chinstrap must be secured once you touch your bike and must remain secured until you finish and rack your bike, there are stiff penalties for not complying.  Triathlon Alberta, TriCan and ITU rules apply.
• Drafting: Know the rules for drafting because you will be assessed a 10 minute penalty. Minimum two bike lengths behind.  Absolutely, No Riding side by side.  If you are in the TriTogether wave, you are allowed to ride in groups without penalty (you just won’t qualify for a finishing position).

• Do not race through the aid stations.  If you are picking up supplies you MUST slow down.
• Do not throw your water bottles at the volunteers, drop them on the grass before and/or after the aid tables set up on the side of the road.
• Yell out your choice of bottled beverage:  “F2C” or “Water”.
• If you are going to stop, look behind you to make sure it’s clear and pull off the shoulder to stop.
• Single file is the proper order for getting beverages. If you fail to follow through single file then you will be penalized 5 minutes. Explanation: If you are behind an athlete and you want to get a water bottle then you must stay behind the athlete to get your aid. Once through the aid station then you can pass.
• Passing on the course:  If you are going to pass, you yell out “PASSING ON THE LEFT”. You must stay on the right side of the solid line. If you cross over the solid line you will be assessed a 2 minute penalty.  No passing permitted on HWY 797 between HWY #1 and Langdon.
• Being Passed:  If you are being passed and someone yells “Passing on the Left” you must move over to the right and allow the athlete to pass. If you block the athlete you will be assessed a 2 minute penalty, 2nd offence is disqualification.
• Litter:  We want to keep the environment clean and free of pollution, so we request you drop off all litter at the aid stations or carry it with you. Water bottles must be dropped at the aid stations. Anyone littering on the road will be warned and if not amended, penalized 15 seconds. Please consider this rule as we are given the use of the land from organizations that rely on us to respect the environment.
• No portable music or cell phones allowed on the bike course. No exceptions to the rules, immediate disqualification.
• Police /Flagger controlled intersections.  Please pay attention while going through the controlled intersections.  As you know there are always drivers out there that sometimes don’t pay attention.  Please use judgment as this is not a closed course.
• We are making every effort to ensure that you have a safe and enjoyable experience but please be careful as you are ultimately responsible for your own safety.


HALF IRON LONG COURSE RUN interactive route map click here.

OLYMPIC & DUATHLON RUN interactive route map click here.

Start/Finish: Camp Chestermere.  Course loops Lake Chestermere clockwise.  Mountain views included!
Aid stations: Transition, and every 2km serving water, F2C Glyco-Durance, Red Bull, cola & gels.  Porta potties at aid stations.

Transition 2
• Finish your bike ride by dismounting at the dismount line where our timing sensor will pick up your bike time.

• Walk your bike on the grass and enter the Transition Zone at the west entrance (nearest to the lake).  Do not undo your chinstrap till you rack your bike.
• Find your spot on the bike rack .
• Make sure to place your bike directly over your run gear.  Be respectful as you have 4 other athletes that will be placing their bikes as well.
• Put your run gear on and exit out of transition at the EAST exit and start your run (at the end of the race as you go to retrieve your gear we will have security personal to cross check your gear with your race number).
• As you exit transition you will cross the timing sensor to record transition times.
• Run south out of Camp Chestermere.  Your first Aid Station will be located is at the start of the run course.

Run course:
• Olympic/Duathlon (1 loop), Half Iron Long Course Distance (2 loops plus out & back section).  Each course has signs marking critical points.  
Long Course second lap begins by running around the bike transition zone (see map).

Run Course Rules
• Number Bibs to the front (use a race belt)

• Absolutely no littering on the course.   If you are caught you will have a 5 minute time violation and be forced to go back and pick up the litter.  Drop your litter off as you go through the Aid Stations
• No portable music, MP3 Players, iPods, earbuds and cell phones allowed on the run course.  No exceptions to the rules, immediate disqualification.


Every great race is build on great volunteers.  Click our volunteer link above to view available positions.

Timing, Results & Awards

Our timing crew offer chip timing and web results in real-time on Zone4.  Awards will be held at after each race finishes for the overall and winner of each 10-year age group.